Join WHCA’s Production Crew

Join our Production Crew at “The WELL = Where Everything Local Lives.

We call the list below our “WELL” because you can go back to the well for ideas anytime, as many times as you want.  If you’re into production, but you don’t yet know where you want to take it; this program is for you!   We’ve developed 12 projects, all of which being purpose built to introduce you to WHCA, our work, and the production world.  Our audience and creative canvas are the communities of Whitman & Hanson and that provides a vast, nearly infinite, number of opportunities for creative production!

More information on each project can be read by expanding the sections below.  Within each project is a link which will bring you to the info-sheet for each project.  If you’ve got your WHCA account credentials, you can click the link for more specific details and login information as needed.

We look forward to working as a member of our production crew!   If you’re not signed up and what you’re reading below sounds interesting the contact WHCA to see where we might be able to plug you in.

If you’re not signed up yet with WHCA click below to sign up.

Details on The Projects in the Production Crew WELL:

Project Description:
Get started by learning about the resources available to you at WHCA. You will get access to a WHCA username and it’s resources and lear how to download/upload from/to WHCA.
You will also log in into a “14 Day Filmmaker” program WHCA is enrolled with. This program is filled with great tutorials on shooting and editing. You will be referring back to this website often throughout your work with WHCA. You will also install free video editing software DaVinci Resolve on your laptop/computer during this step. Please identify and discuss with your WHCA supervisor what camera you plan to work with.

Project Description:
Develop your creative eye by compiling a list of shots that fall into a theme of your choice. Properly frame and capture shots throughout the community. The shots will be critiqued and the best shots may be featured on WHCA’s channel, website, or other media/platforms! Your WHCA supervisor can help you pick a theme if you need suggestions.

Project Description:
Learn the importance of video continuity by filming a process of your choice from start to finish, then to later edit together.
Example, you may choose to film yourself making coffee, recording each step of the process while being mindful of how the previous shot looked.
Properly shot continuity projects will not contain jump cuts, flash frames, or discrepancies between shots.

Project Description:
In this project we will develop your storytelling skills. Pick a topic of interest that can be safely filmed, then begin creating interview questions to ask “an expert on the topic”. Find an expert and connect for an interview with this individual who has knowledge on the subject.  (This interview should be in-person ideally, but virtually is also an option).  Additional “B-roll” footage of the topic can/should be shot to help support the interview. In this project, the intern may/may not be on camera.  If the later is the case then the interviewer side should be edited out of the conversation, but ensure that the interview is taking this into account and therefore capturing “complete answers” which include the question asked. Additional segments may be added with a crafted narrative to drive the story from one interview or topic to the next.  Editing will occur in the next (separate) project

Project Description:
Using Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, or another previously discussed and approved digital video editing program we will edit the footage from the (above) Field Production project. This will create a story program or montage. Music and graphics should be incorporated to provide a more dynamic and exciting program. Coordinate with your WHCA supervisor for access to WHCA’s music library.

Project Description:
This project will develop pre-production planning skills requiring advanced fact finding to learn the details of an upcoming event. Following the information gathering phase we will work to build an equipment kit that will be effective in capturing the sights and sounds of the upcoming event. On the day of the event equipment pickup and transportation plans will be executed, with the equipment setup (early) according to the pre-production plan, also leving ample time to test all connections and signal quality to ensure smooth coverage of the event. After the event, opportunities should be sought to capture related interviews and supporting B-roll shots which provide further explanation and/or demonstrate the items discussed during the event or in the following interviews. This project does include an editing component as well after the completion of the event, so all are encouraged to “shoot for edit” and think what favors you can do for yourself down the road when changing to the role of “video editor” of this project

Project Description:
This special project is inserted just for WHCA interns in order for them to create a portfolio website using WordPress to collect and showcase the work created while working with WHCA. The projects made while working with WHCA (and prior) can be used here as can a resume and any other items considered relevant

Project Description:
In this project we will create an entire episode from WHCA’s “One Off Series Program” menu. WHCA’s “One-Off Series Programs” are series-programs where each episode can be produced independently of any other pre-existing or following episodes. While all of the episodes fall under one “series brand”, each individual episode is unique, with the exact subject matter and execution being up to that episode’s producer

Project Description:
WHCA’s mission is to provide content and opportunities which inform, enlighten and entertain members of the Whitman Hanson community through access to modern technology, equipment, facilities, and training. In this project WHCA interns will create a short station promotional video with the goal of attracting new users and/or viewers to WHCA

Project Description:
This project requires working with at least one other individual to capture a “talk show” style interview. Important to the success of this project is not only capturing and asking proper interview questions, but also in managing how these ordinary folks (not professional actors) interact with the camera in order to make this come off as naturally as possible. You will also have to manage your focus as you share your focus between the videography elements of the interview and the conversation, steered by the answers/replies shared by the guest

Project Description:
WHCA is one easy and efficient stop for both people promoting community events as well as for those in Whitman & Hanson to get important notices out to the community. One of WHCA’s most impactful services is design “bulletins” for display on WHCA’s “Community Bulletin Board”, and the social media accounts of not only WHCA, but also for the individuals and organizations we serve. WHCA utilizes to provides these bulletin design services

Project Description:
This special project is inserted just for WHCA interns in order for them to bring together all of our work with the goal of assisting in the creation or improvement of a viable application for a job in the media industry. Interns will create a resume (if they do not already have one) and work collaboratively with their WHCA supervisor to incorporate their portfolio website into their resume and vice versa. Once a the resume is ready, interns will find one job that interests them using job search sites such as, LinkedIn, etc. The intern will create a cover letter for the application and work with their WHCA’s supervisor to optimize their application. They may use this as an exercise or apply to the job as they see fit!
