WHRHS Graduation 2022
WHRHS Graduation 2022
WHRHS Graduation 2022
Happy New Year!
We can’t wait for all of the new opportunities 2022 will bring! Thank you to everyone who has worked with us in 2021, and helped us make our channels so great. We are incredibly thankful for all of our community volunteers, hosts, school partnerships, and town partnerships. Read the full article to hear about some of our favorite WHCA videos produced in 2021. Read more
Calling all civic organizations, local non-profits, and town departments who have information to share with our community.
WHCA will host our next PSA day (public service announcement) on February 17th. Along with this opportunity to get the word out for your organization/cause, we hope you might also consider recording a brief testimonial in support of WHCA. In the coming months WHCA is anxious to collect your testimonials for the upcoming Whitman & Hanson cable license renewals, as well as in support of Massachusetts bills H.130 & S.2200 and Federal Protecting Community Television Act.
Welcome back to school Whitman-Hanson! WHCA is excited for another year of partnership with WHRSD and providing programming to the community. WHCA sends our best wishes for a great school year, and we’re happy to help however possible with the services and equipment we have available. Further details on some of our summer projects and what we have to offer can be read in this full article. Read more
As community media organizations like WHCA see diminishing revenue from cord cutting, etc. our colleagues at MassAccess, a trade organization for organizations like WHCA, have been working to bridge the gap. To this end they are pursuing legislation to establish a comprehensive statewide policy concerning streaming entertainment services and the recovery of municipal costs for the management and maintenance of digital infrastructure. I know what you’re thinking, how can I help?